Welcome to Capoeira Batuque San Fernando Valley!
Home Page

About Page

Welcome To My Home Page

First of all I would like to thank you for visiting the SFV CAPOEIRA BATUQUE site!
Sencond, I am sorry for the pop-ups and adds on the site, this is a free site but I am working on it. My name is Marcelo or Instructor Girafa(Giraffe)
I am part of the Capoeira Batuque group based in Culver City under the instruction of  Mestre Amen.

The main reason I have created these pages is to give more details about the classes such as Location, Times, Dates, Dress Code, What to Expect from me and what to expect from my classes!

So...take a look around and if you still have any questions feel free to send me an email and I will answer it as soon as possible.

Take care!

Capoeira e pra homen, menino e mulher...So nao aprende quen nao quer!
This is one of the sayings of The Famous Mestre Pastinha, it means that "Capoeira is for men, kids and women...only the ones not interested will not learn!"
Ie viva meu Deus!
Ie viva meu Deus camara!

Site Updates


New pictures will be added soon!


Ie viva meu Mestre!
Ie viva meu Mestre camara!

Send an email to Girafa